Sunday, August 12, 2007

I finally feel somewhat caught up! I've posted all my pictures - have them all labeled and finally got an email out!

Lori, one of the three youth staff left last week for her vacation and we never had the new person show up. So, they transferred the most useless girl EVER over to us - so we stuck her on teens since teens is the easiest to work with and takes the least amount of effort. Uh well - it's only until Wednesday. We get a new girl today that we will only have on board for 2 weeks, then two new girls come on Wednesday - all but me and one other will leave in the next 3 weeks because our kid counts go down quite low, so there is less need for youth staff.

I really am enjoying myself - I'm going to the Pinnacle Grill with Kaitlin (Youth Staff), Lammy (EC Manager/Librarian), and Janis (naturalist) tonight to celebrate Kaitlin's last week. The Pinnacle is our fantastic restauraunt on board - so that should be nice. This week I hope to go either Dog sledding or on a Whale Watching Excursion/Salmon Bake in Juneau because I have pretty much the entire day off there!

I guess that's all for now - nothing to exciting happening today! Hope all is well with everyone!

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