Sunday, August 12, 2007

Actual Date for posting - August 5, 2007

So, we just ended another cruise and it was definitely one to “write home” about. I was on teens this week, Kaitlin on tweens and Lori on kids.

We don’t allow kids in diapers into the kids program and they must be potty trained. But of course, there is the one child that poops in her pants TWICE and it never even phases the kid! The way we notice that she’s had an accident was because every room reeked.

Anyways, there is a family of 9 kids on board and they are all a bit rebellious and snotty. One night we were playing Crainium and there is playdough in the game. He decides that it would be hilarious to make a penis out of it. So of course, everyone starts laughing and i’m trying not to laugh because of course it would be inappropriate, but it was definitely funny.

A few nights later, another one of the 9 kids decides to bring his pocket knife into the Playstation room (which is unsupervised) and pull it out to threaten kids with it saying that he could beat anyone at any game with his knife!

The other fun event of the week was the two boys that decided to fight over a playstation game – they were trying to get each other to crash in the game and it ended up in the hallway hitting each other. One boy hit the other with his hat covered in the souviner-type pins and hit the other boy in the eye.

Then, this morning I get called to the infirmary for a random drug test (mind you, I had one 3 weeks ago) and had to do an oral swap, urine test and then a room inspection. They tried to confiscate my Chi (hair straightner) and Kaitlin’s blowdryer until they could find out if they were acceptable items. I told them if the Chi goes, I go! Non negotiable! But, I did get it back so it was all good and all is now well in the world of Sydney!

Needless to say, it has been a very hectic week – but of course lots of fun :) I have posted pictures and will try and post those regularly as well and keep them labeled so we can all figure out what they are.

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