Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Home Sweet Home…for now.

Just wanted to share a few pictures of my condo that I’m renting.  I love it – it needs some decorating and a few things here and there – but for me, it’s home right now and I’m thrilled to have it…cold water and all.

The condo is actually two studio units that were purchased and it was made into a one bedroom condo hence the two bathrooms.

The view from the front door as you walk in…


If you turn to the right, you’ll see this…


If you stand behind the kitchen table – here’s a full view of the “spacious kitchen”…and my beautiful orchid!


And the bathroom that’s for the guests, I guess…


Now, where you see the stove in the first picture of the kitchen, there’s a door to the left of it leading into the bedroom…


On the other side of the door…


Put your back to the door and you see…


Put your back to the cabinets and you see two things…my bed with the jaw-dropping 14” flat screen “television” and the bathroom that I use…

DSCN5786  DSCN5788

And the view from my kitchen…


Just wanted to share…I hope you enjoyed your tour of my humble abode. 

One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time. - Hermann Hesse

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