Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lola would be so proud (I hope!)

Every time I go to the grocery store (UniMart), I check out all the possibilities of vegetables and things that I could be cooking, but my limited kitchen supplies have prevented me from doing.  Well, to be completely honest I’m SICK of cereal, peanut butter and jelly (you can’t keep bread from molding here…it’s so humid!), eggs (hard boiled), rice & eggs (yes, rice in a tea pot works well!), crackers and dried mango. 

Whenever I’m home, Lola (Misty’s Mom – Lola is the Filipino term for Grandma) goes and gets some of the small eggplants from the Asian market and fries them up with egg.  At the store, I’ve seen these eggplants, but didn’t know if I could do it with what I had but decided to give it a shot and see what I had learned from watching Lola make it.  I picked up a pack of the eggplants (I think there were 6 or so in the bunch for less than $1), some corn (the Philippines has the most amazing sweet corn), oil, eggs and the rest of my groceries and went home.  I got out the frying pan from Edwin’s house, a tupperware container for the egg, my bottle of oil and my amazing utensils made of “crystal” plastic.  I used my plastic knife to slice up my eggplant, dipped them in the egg and cooked me up some delicious eggplant!  My corn was in a microwavable bag and I had made a big batch of rice previously so I reheated it and voile – a fabulous Filipino meal cooked by me!!  (Unfortunately, two plastic forks were harmed in the making of this film.)

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Lola’s is the best – but I must say mine definitely came in a close second!


And here’s a picture of my Lola in her “garden” at the house.


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